15 years Glacensis Euroregion activities and joint promotion
Project Partners:
Stowarzyszenie Gmin Polskich Euroregionu Glacensis
Time frame:
- 18 months (November 2010 – April 2012)
- Operational Programme of Cross-Border Cooperation Czech Republic – Poland 2007-2013 for implementation of micro projects
Overall budget:
Project aim:
- The aim of the project was to use a technical, social and cultural potential of the Czech-Polish borderland for sustainable tourism development. To introduce tourist public a travel offer scheduled within the year, in the territory through quality products such as technical monuments. The aim was to define the Polish part of the Euroregion Glacensis to Czech tourist public and vice versa. Then prepare a comprehensive offer on both sides of the border in relation to foreign visitors. Implementation of the project will have a significant impact on greater enhancement of a positive perception of the Euroregion Glacensis as a tourist region.
Project activities:
- Innovation over existing websites is their ability to save changes with its own administration. Website will offer a new attractive design, will be simple and clear with logically designed navigation. The new menu will be an overview of cultural and social events of the Euroregion Glacensis, another option is also offered to those interested in finding a new partner. Municipalities/cities that are interested in finding an association, will also find all the needed documents for it here. Euroregion Glacensis will present their implemented projects on the new website. The website will contain language versions - Polish and English.
- with a theme "The Best of Czech-Polish partnership within the the Euroregion members Glacensis". In mid-2011 there was a competition announced for the best Czech-Polish partnership. A total of 10 categories were announced. The competition was to select and reward the best cross border co-operation of the Euroregion members. The announcement of winners took place in the international Czech-Polish Conference in the town of Rychnov n.Kn. on 8 December 2011. Winners received a voucher for a two-day trip to Strasbourg, France. Another award for the best Czech-Polish partnership was their placement at the prestigious round calendar in 2012 and material gifts.
- To download the wall hanging calendar 2012, click HERE
- entitled „Technical monuments of the Euroregion Glacensis“. The main motive to issue this calendar was to draw readers/tourists´ attention to eye-catching photos of technical attractions of the region. The calendar contains photographs of transportation structures, bridges, remnants of mining, dams, military forts, bunkers and other structures of this topic.
- To download the wall hanging calendar 2013, click HERE
- two promotional panels were published – 1 in a Czech version a 1 in a Polish version with a theme „Technical monuments of the Euroregion Glacensis“.
- To download the promotional panel (Czech version), click HERE
- To download the promotional panel (Polish version), click HERE

This projects is cofinanced from the ERDF funds through Euroregion Glacensis.