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The Phare programme , as the European Union pre-accession programme, strengthened and improved the quality of commercial, economic, tourist and cultural relations between neighbouring regions. Pre-accession funds, which first allowed us to draw financial means from the European Union, helped border regions overcome specific problems, associated with the development, which were caused by their relative isolation.

On the Czech territory of the Euroregion Glacensis they managed to support 96 projects totalling EUR 8,461,637.91. Euroregion Glacensis has become the most successful euroregion of the Czech-Polish borderland at drawing financial means. The experience that the applicants gained in the pre-accession funds, which were largely supported by non-investment projects, was beneficial and certainly a good basis for the next opportunity to obtain funding for investment projects for further period.

These pre-accession funds have started up the support of regional cross-border cooperation in various fields from tourism, culture and education up to the development of transport accessibility and environmental improvements and strengthening of business entities cooperation.

Euroregion Secretariat

To download a booklet in Czech, click HERE
To download a booklet in Polish, click HERE


Euroregion Pomezí Čech, Moravy a Kladska - Euroregion Glacensis
Panská 1492
516 01 Rychnov nad Kněžnou