15 years of activity and outlook for the next period from 2014 to 2020
Project partner:
Stowarzyszenie Gmin Polskich Euroregionu Glacensis
- 14 months (January 2011 – February 2012)
- Operational Programme of Cross-Border Cooperation Czech Republic – Poland 2007-2013 for implementation micro projects
Overall budget:
- EUR 29,140
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Project aim:
- The project was aimed to strengthen ties between the self-governments on both sides of the border, develop joint cross-border activities, initiate and develop contacts in various areas of socio-economic life, represent a contribution to the Euroregion Glacensis for the last 15 years. Implementation of the project has had a positive impact on the development and integration of the Czech-Polish borderland. The purpose of the project was to exchange knowledge, experience and promoting good practice, to give an opportunity to develop a common developing programme concept and development projects in the Polish-Czech border in the future.
- Joint activities with a Czech partner helped deepen contacts so as to allow free mutual penetration of cultures and traditions. Mutual exchange of information helped to implement a joint promotion of the regions on both sides of the border, namely in all aspects of citizens life. It improved knowledge of neighbours and it formed the basis for further cooperation on a social, economic and cultural level. Last but not least, the project had the effect on breaking down language barriers in both countries.
Project activity:
- The objective of the project was to arrange an international Czech-Polish Conference on the occasion of 15 th anniversary since the establishment of the association. The conference was held at the prestigious Hotel Studánka in Rychnov nad Kněžnou on 8 December 2011. It was held under the auspices of J. E. Jan Sechter , Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Poland and J. E. Jan Pastwa, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the Czech Republic. The main topic of lectures was the evaluation of a past Czech-Polish cooperation, the future of cohesion policy after 2014. The part of the programme was the signing ceremony of the new Czech-Polish-Slovak partnership cooperation agreements.
- The competition for the best Czech-Polish partnership of the Euroregion Glacensis was announced in July 2011 in September 2011. The aim of the competition was to select and reward the best cross border cooperation of the Euroregion Glacensis members and publicly express appreciation for excellent results obtained in the Czech-Polish cross-border cooperation and thereby give a new impetus for further development of the Czech-Polish relations.
- Cooperation in joint cultural events
- Cooperation in the field of conservation and restoration of historical heritage
- Joint presentation at exhibitions and fairs of tourism
- Creation of joint promotional products
- Cooperation in joint tourism infrastructure
- Cooperation in the field of leisure, recreation and sport
- Cooperation in association activities
- Cooperation in the field of crisis management
- Cross-border cooperation among schools, youth organizations
- Cooperation in the field of nature and landscape management
Ceremonial announcement of winners took place at the conference on 8 December 2011. Winners received vouchers for a two-day trip to Strasbourg in France, which was organized in cooperation with Czech-Polish members of the European Parliament. Another award for the best Czech-Polish partnership was their placement at a prestigious round calendar 2012 and material gifts.
- small promotional items, waxed bags
- flags
- promotional stand with an association logo
8 December 2011 – Ceremonial announcement of winners in the Competition for the best Czech – Polish partnership for the past 15 years of Euroregion Glacensis existence.

18 – 19 April 2012 – The visit of Euroregion Glacensis representatives at the headquarters of the European Institutions - Strasbourg