The Secret of military underground

Project No. CZ.11.2.45/0.0/0.0/16_025/0001253
Lead partner:
Město Rokytnice v Orlických horách
Czech partners:
- Euroregion Pomezí Čech, Moravy a Kladska – Euroregion Glacensis
- Stachelberg, z.s.
- Město Trutnov
Polish partners:
- Gmina Głuszyca
- Gmina Miejska Kamienna Góra

Implementation time:
1.3.2018 – 31.12.2019
Program INTERREG V-A Czech republic - Poland
Priority Axis 2 - Developing the potential of natural and cultural resources to promote employment
2.1 Conservation and restoration of cultural and natural attractions for the sustainable development of the common border
Overall 1 777 272,69 €
From EFFR (85%) 1 510 650 €
From the state budget (2,6%) 47 820 €
Own deposit (12,4%) 218 802,69 €
Project goal:
The main project goal is recovery of cultural heritage in the form of remains historical military objects from the 30s and 40s of the 20th century and offer to tourists new czech-polish cross-border product „Traveling on military monuments“. Project solves the accessibility of this potential through the reconstruction of some parts of the buildings to the original state, renews and builds entrances, access roads or parking areas as well as new sightseeing expositions.
Project activities:
0. Preparation of the project
The Glacensis Euroregion has ensured the preparation of the project. It means consultations on the project plan, assessment of solution variants, mediation of communication between partners, organization of joint meetings, interpretation, etc. The application and annexes were processed, translated and handed over.
1. Project management
Due to a large number of partners, the Euroregion Glacensis provides project coordination. It monitors the timely fulfillment of deadlines, processing reports and payment requests and communicates with the control authorities. For professional activities like tenders are hiring external experts. To prevent problems, a member of the Euroregion is appointed for the economic and administrative supervision of the Czech partners.
2. Promotional and information activities
In Rokytnice v Orlických horách, as the place of the largest investment, will be placed billboard wit informations about project and mandatorry publicity. In addition, a poster was created, which is located in Rokytnice and also at the headquarters of the Euroregion Glacensis, containing the same information. The public will be informed though the project sub-page, the websites of all partners, social networks, atc. After the completion of the implementation, a permanent informative memorial plaque will be placed on all the investments made, with mandatory elements of program’s publicity.
3. Building of tourist infrastructure
- restoration of the former artillery cabin Hanička in Rokytnice v Orlických horách
- a new object to exit the underground and the corridors connecting the existing route in the fortress Stachelberg, building a parking lot Babí by Trutnov in the neigborhood of Stachelberg
- tunneling underground and galleries in the Underground city Osówka in Gmina Głuszyca
- construction of an access road, parking areas and Tourist and information center in complex ARADO – Gmina Miejska Kamienna Góra
4. Marketing campaign
The marketing campaign includes the creation of a common brand for the whole project. The Glacensis Euroregion is responsible for it in cooperation with other partners. Campaign is run through social networks, videospots, maps, workshops, press trips and final conference.